Often, a positive emotion, gentle human contact are enough to eclipse the darkest hours and observe the fire of Life in a comforting crackle, driven by a primary energy filled with warmth.
A tiny spark of joy, which sometimes gets lost in the night and which our hand can light to pass it on. This discreet glow which, at any moment, if we seek it out, suddenly sets our heart on fire and transports us from fear to laughter, is indeed there within us, preserved, despite the movement and the noise of the world.
Our heart may at any point rekindle this undying fire which must be nurtured and feel its benefits.
Looking for it within our deepest self, sensing it in the eyes or the words of a peer is a way of reconnecting to our best self. In our life projects, our ideas, our everyday life, this burning strength compels us to overcome the coldness of fears and renew with Life.
Like the sun which in the early dawn shines in the cool mist, the comforting morning fire is there, given by Nature, ready to inspire us and to warm up the horizons of the day.